Plattegrond Minicamping Weideland
The map shown here shows the version for printing.
Click on the image or the red button to go to the interactive map on the Minicamping Weideland website.
Spacer to keep the website responsive
Minicamping Weideland logo
Minicamping Weideland logo

Interactive map

The design and creation of an interactive (SVG)* map for the Minicamping Weideland website.
As soon as a website visitor clicks on a link in the legend, the map will zoom in to the location in question and show a pop-up message with the name of the location. Website visitors can also examine the map by themselves with the mouse or by touch movements.

There is also a printed version where the legend is placed on the map. This version is shown on this page.

* SVG = Scalable Vector Graphics



Used software

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Atom

  • Adobe Photoshop